The Blog of Stuart McEwing
Welcome to a magical land, where adventure awaits.
Come and explore and engage in this realm of ideas.
It might just change your world.
Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Part 2/2
Do Jesus’s genealogies contradict one another?
Do hares chew the cud?
Is Plato's "good" enough?
How is God Eternal?
What is general revelation?
Suffering through Romans? Part IV
Suffering through Romans? Part III
Suffering through Romans? Part II
Suffering through Romans? Part I
Suffering through Romans? Part III
Am I in a cult?
Did St. Francis Really Say That?
What to do with mystery?
Sources and norms of Christian belief?
How to maintain unity and diversity?
Where is the unity in Christian diversity?
What kind of theological castle will you build?
Why should I care about doctrine?
Does God have a plan for my life?
Session 01 - Intro to Systematic Theology
Session 02 - Doctrine of Revelation
Session 03 - Doctrine of God
Session 04 - God's greatness
Thanks for your interest in the writing of Stuart McEwing. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!
Auckland, New Zealand